Thursday, November 27, 2008


It's been a while since I've posted anything on here and A LOT has happened in the past month. For those of you who don't know, I am once again on the move. My work has asked me to relocate to the sunny skies and sandy beaches of Southern California. Kansas City is a great city and was a great experience for me, but I am so stoked to live the dream in the Southwest U.S. I am currently residing in Utah until my place opens up in January. So all you Utah friends, get at your boy. More on the move and other happenings later.

When it comes to holidays I would classify myself as a fairweather fan. I don't necessarily love or hate holidays. To me it's just another day, that is until the holiday is actually upon us. Every major holiday throughout the year (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Veterans Day, etc.....) something happens to me the morning of. I wake up and for a brief moment I think about the "special" day and what it means to me. This very thing happened to me this morning. I woke to the muffled sound of Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab on VH1. Desperately trying to switch stations I angrily searched for the nowhere-to-be-found remote. After 20 mins of looking I finally stumbled upon the blasted thing wrapped up in the very blanket I used to sleep with the night before. As I was searching through the channels that feeling struck me. It was at that moment I realized how grateful I am for so many things, including the ability to sit on my fat butt and change the channel with the press of a button. If you think about it the remote control is such a rad invention. Then I thought about all the other things I'm grateful for like peanut M&M's, my past collection of Homies (the little guys you get at Smith's along side the temporary tattoos and calvin-peeing- on-things stickers), The Beach Boys and ultimately my friends (Creekers For Life) and my fam. Then I went back to sleep.

A few hours, one and a half of Becca's waffles and two glasses of OJ later I was on the road to eat dinner with my family in Payson. While gathered around the table I announced to my step-family my recently created Thanksgiving tradition (born in 2003) of telling my Dad something from my past that he didn't know about and that I really can't get into trouble for anymore. The inaugural launch of this tradition resulted in the telling of an event from my past that included delivery trucks and a very well known potato chip distributor. If you want more info just ask, it's epic.

With all ears at attention, I expunded on an unforgettable night in the summer of '97. Under the influence of certain beverages and amidst several of my friends and my older brother's friends, I proceeded to ride my little brother's bicycle around the backyard pool yelling "Look at me!" When I reached the diving board I thought to myself 'What could be better than riding this bicycle off the diving board? Nothing, thats what.' I pedaled hard trying to reach maximum speed. Once in the air I realized that there was one problem, I was fully clothed.

My Dad shook his head in minor dissapointment and major laughter, along with the others, at my wondrous feat. May everyone have a grand Thanksgiving and don't forget to undress before you decide that it's a good idea to ride a bicycle into water.


Heather said...

Oh Jared, how I wish I were around your table every year to hear these stories.........although I think I would insist you tell more then one story.

Ashleigh said...

im glad to hear your moving to california. Its much closer to Boise. We actually are planning a trip there early summer/ late spring for a wedding. hopefully we can meet up. take care