Sunday, May 17, 2009

There's A Real Cool Club On The Other Side of Town.....

I have officially joined the cool kids club
and asked this girl to be my wife.....

As the day gets closer we will be sure to send out invites,
but here's some preliminary info to tie you all over:

September 26, 2009


Heather said...

sweet. congrats again. super excited for you two. she's a real pretty gal- when ya getting a tat of her on your arm?

Cardon + Kelly Webb said...

Yyyyyyyeeeeaaaahh!! The sick rad.

The Crabtree Chronicles said...

Congrats! After 7 years, I still highly recommend the married life.

Ashleigh said...

Good for you. I'm happy for you guys.

Salmon Tolman Family said...

AAAGHHHH!!! I am SOOOOOO happy and excited for you!!! I can't wait to meet the lucky girl!
Way to Go for entering the cool kids club!

Mrs. Wright said...

I was waiting for you to post something about this! We're sooooo excoted for you Jared!