Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So Stoked!!!!! The other weekend I was hanging out with Natalie and we decided to go check out Mathematics Et Cetera at Velour. I am really glad I went because after the show I was able to talk with Corey Fox and he asked if we wanted to play the Velour battle of the bands. We had been trying for about a month to get a show at Velour but nothing was panning out, so we were elated to be asked by Corey to play the battle of the bands. We are playing Mon Dec. 3 in the third time slot and if we do well hopefully we will be in the finals on Sat. the 8th. Thanks for everyone who came out to our last shows at the Muse battle of the bands and supported us, please come out and support us at Velour. The cost is only $5 and you are sure to have a great time. Plus its an easy F.H.E. idea for all you mormons out there, ha.

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